Friday, June 7, 2019

Internship Process

      Before I detail my activities this week, I would first like to introduce the company, American Food and Vending Corp (AFV). This company has 500 locations in about half of the country. Each location has either vending machines, kiosks, or a full function dining facility. The company employs about 1500 people.
      This was my first week of my internship at American Food and Vending Corp. Before I started  the internship I first had to complete paperwork including W-4 and several legal documents related to the company. The first two days were focused on learning about the company in general and the IT department duties. One of the first things I did was learn how to setup a SonicWall and then I tested it to make sure it works. The SonicWall is the company's type of firewall that they use for security. I was also introduced to Slack, which is AFV's internal messaging software. Another software we use is PRTG Network Monitor, which monitors what networks are down in different facilities and locations. The monitoring shows problems with transactions, screen mishaps and internet problems. I also had to learn how to operate tickets--a recording mechanism that documents problems solved, situations addressed, progress made, and work completed. I attended a meeting during which it was discussed how AFV has to change their ways of setting up their SonicWall when their system is placed in companies that use different internet services. I went with my supervisor to Onondaga Community College to install and test a SonicWall (AFV runs the cafeteria at this college). This was a very exiting first week.